Teajas Purandarre

15+ years of experience

Services offered: 
Sessions, Classes & Certifications in Access Bars + Body Processes + Facelift. Massage from 5 continents, The Belly Revolution & Access SOP (Symphony of Possibilities). Multi-modality Energy Healing Sessions, Money & Wealth Creation Classes

​​Location: Pune and Online
​ Language: ​​English, Hindi, Marathi

Contact me

Teajas is an engineering graduate by qualification and an internationally recognised Access Conscious Certified Facilitator and Facilitator of Access Bars, Access Body Processes, and Access Facelift Classes. He is also an SOP (Symphony of Possibilities) practitioner. His money classes have been life altering for many. He is a Talk to Entities Practitioner and assists people in clearing their houses, spaces, and bodies of any entities, walk-ins, or their imprints. Hundreds of people consult him for relationships, energy work (aka healing), wealth creation, careers, and overall wellbeing. He has clients from Dubai, the US, India, and South Africa.

He was part of the first wave of massage therapists who were internationally certified in India for ‘Massage from 5 Continents’ and ‘The Belly Revolution'. He loves working with bodies with massages and the nurturing practises of ‘Body Whispering’ and Body Process.

Healing has been in his lineage since his great-grandmother and grandfather. He has been initiated by many masters in his journey. He has transformed the lives of countless people through miracles of healing. Over the last 15 years, he has been practising several modalities that include Quantum Shambhavi, Silva Ultra Mind ESP, Silva Business, Theta Healing, Pranic Healing, Crystal Healing, Numerology, Astrology, Reiki, Money Reiki, Hypnotherapy, Vaastu, Pranic Fen Shui, Tarot, Switchwords, Numbers, and much more. Teajas is also a Certified Law of Attraction Wealth Practitioner. He studied, researched, and dabbled in experiments to seek more and to make the world a better place.

He believes that the creation of your life is based on the energy you are being. Your life is forever expanding with more possibilities with the choices you make! Check out the ‘Happy Stories’ from his clients on his Instagram ID, @myteajas. 

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Access Consciousness

1. Certified Facilitator, CF
2. Access Bars Facilitator
3. Access Body Process Facilitator
4. Access Facelift Facilitator
5. SOP Practitioner (Symphony of Possibilities)

Other modalities

1. Pranic Healing (Crystal, Advance & Psychotherapy)
2. Silva Ultra Mind ESP Graduate
3. Silva Business Graduate
3. Money Reiki Grand Master
4. USUI Reiki Grand Master
5. Theta Healer
6. Certified Hypnotherapist
7. Certified Law of Attraction Wealth Practitioner
8. Cellular Healing
9. Numerology
10. Guidance on Gems/Crystals
11. Chakra Healing
12. Massage Practitioner
13. Massage from 5 Continents
14. Belly Revolution


Anjali, Pune IT Professional, Access Bars and Eye Process Practitioner, Healer

I met Teajas in 2019 to learn manifestation techniques and in the very first meeting I told him that I believe he can help in healing me and my family. Since then, I have had many services from Teajas and learnt many spiritual tools. The variety of options Teajas has is incredible. He keeps learning always and shares his knowledge like a friend. He is available at an arms length and his approach is modern and easy going. His pendulum healings are my favorite, which has helped me to release all baggage from childhood and live in this very present moment. I have learnt violet flame healings from him which is super easy and effective. I also gained knowledge on animal wisdom from him and it was great fun to connect with animals and birds around me to contribute to my life. I learnt vision board creation from him and recently Access Bars. After Bars, my life is changing at speed of space. I feel like every cell, every molecule in my body is changing. He also did prosperity healing for me and I received fantastic job.Their are many more other services I have taken from him and he has continuously stood by me and my family to bring me today where I am, in total peace and harmony with myself and my life. Tejas is a friend for life, a magical star and I cherish my bond with him every day.

Rishika Saxena, Mumbai Public health Researcher, Access Bars Practitioner

I have known Tejas since 2018. I contacted him through Facebook when he was offering free pranic healing session for any one issue or disease to be healed. I just randomly filled the form thinking it will be a gimmick and he will do some sort of healing for few minutes and then ask me to go for full healing and ask huge amount of money. But to my surprise when he called, he only asked about my area that I wanted to change and gave me healing for 5 days with the sole intention of healing my issue. There was no talk about money or any offer to continue with the healing services. This was my first experience with him who genuinely was interested in my improving my health. And area which I choose showed marked improvement after that. Since then, I have been in contact with him. I have taken many healing sessions including financial healing and every time I get the results. That is the confidence I have in him. Anytime I am stuck in a situation I call him and him to facilitate me and he has never said no. There is no expectation of money from his side. The magic of this is that his session always works for me, and I am benefitted every time. The most powerful session experienced with him was Theta session and the SOP session.

Shail Vaz, South Africa Alternate energy healer and Psychic, Tarot reader, Vastu & Feng Shui Expert, Numerologist, Hypnotherapist, Shamanic Healer One of the best energy healers

Teajas is an absolute and a very powerful healer who has an amazing vast knowledge of the modalities he practises. His multi faceted and in depth approach in his sessions sets him apart from all others I have come across with. He has a beautiful ability to help one instantly feel the transcendental energies that are being focused on, giving beautiful and long lasting results. A very warm and beautiful soul who is always ready to answer and help with any queries or issues. An absolute sure and go to mentor and guide to reckon with. I wish him The Almighty’s everlasting blessings, guidance and protection always. God bless you, Teajas.

Saloni, California, USA IT Professional 

Teajas used to be my mentor/manager at workplace and eventually I got introduced to his spiritual personality. Over the time of past 7 years, I have seen exponential growth in his spiritual journey! He is a great healer and amazing energy creator. I always reach out to him with my problems and he suggests the best technique to follow. His sessions are bliss. I feel super lite and assured to create life beyond possibilities after his sessions. I have experienced magic in one of his sessions where we practiced essence of various techniques (theta healing, access consciousness). My visa trasfer in the USA was awaited and was critical timeline for family. I asked universe for it to be accomplished and it became reality in following two hours! I have failth in Teajas and his various practices. Always in awe! Love and gratitude from California, USA.

Vrushali, USA

Soo much to talk about Teajas . Don't know where to begin from. I got introduced to him in 2018 and ever since it has been a journey of total empowerment for me. Whether for personal reasons or family related, Teajas has always guided and empowered me in all ways. He is one of those few healers who works with you to help you realise your true potential. My father in law was diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer and it was an extremely critical situation. I spoke to Teajas and he started the healing process on him. Of course there was Chemo and diet and medicine but how many start thriving vs just surviving. My father in law is thriving and its amazing to see like this. This is just one example. There are many examples for different reasons that I have seen a success. Whether Health or relationships or professional front. The one best thing about him is that he will never leave your hanging. There have been times where I was completely lost and disconnected but its his ability to understand what's going on and he will connect and empower me . Need be , be strict with you. I have found a friend , a well wisher and one of the coolest and best healers I have ever known. Thank you Teajas for who you are . 🤗 Gratitude 🙏🏼