Sushma Dwivedi

15 years of Experience Services offered: Reiki(traditional and multimodality)Tarot, Mokshapata, Cosmic Intelligence plus meditation, Navagraha Location: New Delhi Language: English and Hindi

Contact me

My name is Sushma Dwivedi. I am a reiki master and I have helped around 50 people through various levels of Reiki Healing. I started my journey as a Reiki teacher since 2006, and by 2012 I become reiki grand master. I have been very curious to this spiritual world. To get the answers of my curiosity, I learnt other healing modalities too like cosmic intelligence and Navagraha to understand their impact in our day-to-day life. I do professional mokshapata divination reading since last one year with prediction accuracy rate of 95%. I am a certified Reiki Grand Master and I offer reiki 1 to 22 levels, karuna Reiki, violet flame Reiki, crystal healing – Basic and Advanced, pendulum dowsing, money reiki, soul mate Reiki, and so on. I am also do a tarot card reading, moonology oracle card reading, angel answer cards for divination. Through these heling modalities my life is fully transformed now, and I am equally eager to help you transform yours...