Shamanism Workshop

Shamanism: A collection of ancient techniques that help to awaken and expand consciousness, as well as heal humanity’s inner wounds.

Are there may questions for which you feel you don’t have answers! Loneliness, Depression seems to be a bottomless pit. You have the urge to explore the mysteries of the different realms. Seeking guidance and connect with Power animals and guides. Reach out to us for a soul transformational workshop Shamanism: Basic and Advanced Course. ​Shamanism is a practice that involves a practitioner reaching altered states of consciousness in order to perceive and interact with what they believe to be a spirit world and channel these transcendental energies into this world.

The actual word "shaman" is derived from the Siberian Tungusic word for a spiritual leader, or "one who is raised.". Most famously, shamans were known for their ability to communicate with the dead. It's believed that, through ceremony, they would enter a trance, an altered state of consciousness, and thus cross over. ​In this sense, shamanism is a relationship-based practice of making changes in invisible realms to impact healing, of individuals or communities, in the realm of ordinary reality. For some peoples, such shamanic practice is part of their dominant culture, for others it is directly contradictory.

Shamanic practice is the earliest known form of religion that our ancestors experienced. The different number of spiritual techniques used to expand our conscious and provoke mystical experiences was astonishing.

These techniques ranged from chanting, fasting, and nature immersion, to incessant trance dancing and ingesting hallucinogenic plants.

What will you learn in the workshop?

1. This workshop includes Introduction to core shamanism. The universal, near-universal, and common methods of the shaman to enter non -ordinary reality for problem solving and healing.​

2. This workshop particular emphasis is on the classic shamanic journey, one of the most remarkable visionary methods used by humankind to explore the hidden universe otherwise known mainly through myth and dream.

3. Participants are initiated into shamanic journeying, aided by drumming and other techniques for experiencing the shamanic state of consciousness and for awakening dormant spiritual abilities, including connections with Nature and power animals.

Why should you join this workshop?

1. If you feel a strong connection to nature
2. If you enjoy solitude and find it hard to fit in with others
3. If you have experienced a near-death, out-of-body or mystical experience
4. If you have felt a subtle healing energy in your hands
5. If you have the ability to “read” others
6. If you have ancestors who were healers or medical herbalists
7. If you have vivid or prophetic dreams
8. If you are visited by spirit animals
9. If you see things that others can’t see
​10. If you have physical abnormalities that set you apart
11. If you feel a calling to help, heal or ease the suffering of others

Workshop Schedule

Date: Next Batch - On Request
Time: 10 AM - 5:30 PM
Venue: Online on Zoom
Energy Exchange : on request

​​Prior Registration Necessary

Register here:

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