Mishima Govind

7 years of experience
Services offered:
Tarot, Numerology, Tantra, Lama Fera, Reiki, Akashic Records, Hoodoo ​​Location: Agra, Uttar Pradesh
Language: ​English, Hindi 

Contact me

I, Mishima Govind, am your spiritual coach and guide. This journey of mine started quite early from young age. I have been gifted child with deep dreams. I have been gifted with sight to see and emotions to feel. As a child this was difficult to understand but my real journey began after my father passed away in 2013. I was confused and numb. I wanted lot of answers. This led me to seek guidance and meet people. My search for spirituality led me Part of spiritual groups which helped me understand the I had purpose in life. I went through depression to deal with myself. My spiritual awakening was not easy. I did my shadow work to heal from the traumas I had. I had a difficult childhood. I completed my studies of law in 2015 and moved to Delhi. Continued working and studying and got myself registered with bar council India. When I came back to Agra in 2017 I was hopeless as I was still searching my true purpose. It was this time that I started with applying numerology in daily life and later learned tarot readings to understand the hidden meanings of my prophetic dreams.