Manjula Singh

24 years of experience
Services offered:
Master Teacher, Training Angel Teachers, Teacher: Transform Your Life, Lemurian, Atlantis, Crystal healing, Aroma therapy, Sound healing, Gong Mastery, candle rituals, candle making.
​​Location: Chennai
Language: ​English, Hindi, Tamil

Contact me

Manjula Singh is a Master Teacher, Training Angel Teachers, Master Teacher in Angels, Teacher & Therapist of Angels, Crystal, and Golden Atlantis & Lemurian Planetary healing from Diana Cooper School of white Light – UK, Sound healer, Gong Master & Crystal Healing Teacher. Her Journey Started with “Pranic Healing”, guided to “Reiki”, then connecting to “Angelic realm” with “Diana Cooper School of White Light” which helped her to walk on the spiritual path holding Angel’s hands. From then Archangels, Unicorns took her into Ascension path, connected her to Goddesses energies, and lead her to practice “Durga Saptashati” & “Sri Vidya Sadhna” which are the Fifth Dimensional practices. As “Atlantis” Teacher, she recognized that she has a deep connection to healing energy vibrations which guided her to the world of Sound & she trained to become a “Sound Healing Teacher & Therapist”. Her connection to “Lemuria” & Atlantis, brought back her talent & knowledge of the Mineral Kingdom from her Lemurian lifetime to this life; through which she now works with “Crystals” and guides many to understand their connection with Crystals. Her Teaching about Angels has brought miracles to the life of all her students & their life stands testimony to her great knowledge, experience & authenticity. She teaches & facilitates meditation, relaxation sessions on Sound Healing at many Corporate Companies, Schools, Hospitals, and Private Groups. She strongly believes that we are all made of Sound vibration; The “Omkara” that created the whole Universe and we are the Universe. ‘Aham Brahmasmi’.


To me Manju has been not only a Guru but also a mental and a very good friend. She is a person who has got profound knowledge and is blessed with divine wisdom. I have a feeling that she is deeply connected to the divine and I feel very attracted to her aura and to her. For me I am eagerly looking forward to whatever she wants to teach or whatever workshop she wants to take because I don't want to miss any of that. In her presence I feel a lot of love, light, healing taking place and a person who has had a bad day or something I think so being with her for sometime, it just heals that person. Not only did she get divine wisdom and knowledge with her but she is also blessed with a beautiful melodious voice. so looking at the simple lady in front of you with this beautiful voice you just get mesmerized by her.

- Manisha Sansari

I learnt Angel guidance and Angel Card Reading from Manjula Singh. This was in October last year and I had a very very beautiful experience with this teacher. She really helped me understand exactly how to go about doing the readings. A very beautiful thing that she did was that she brought a lot of card packs from very different sets so that we get a lot of hands on practice on Angel card reading. There was a lot of foundation work that she did with us to take us through the meditation, the understanding of how to pull out cards. Soon after the class got over I realised that it was very very invaluable information that was share but somewhere I was not feeling very confidence so I would approach her on and off and get some specific feedback on how to do card readings and I felt she is very very approachable, very friendly, very down to earth. Every time I had a doubt I had a question she would be there for me to help me understand how to go about that reading and it's been a very beautiful journey that I have with her the guidance that I have received from her the messages that she delivers and beautiful very in which she conveys the message that's so beautiful and how she taught us to pull out cards interpret them not just from the Diana Cooper School of white that should also bring other card sets so that that's fantastic thing you know you would like to get experience in reading different kind of cards and seeing how the cards type together for the clients. so she also taught me how to protect myself during the session and how to protect the sanctity of the session. special glad and so grateful that I did this course with Manjula Singh and she is being an excellent teacher she is very very friendly and I think you guys are going to have a really nice experience learning from her it's a course that I think every one of you should take we are all here with a very very important purpose and connecting with that purpose receiving Angel guidance receiving angelic healing, is the most amazing thing you can do to yourself so all the very best to all of you and I hope you guys share your experience is as well as he finish your class thank you

- Unknown