Family Constellation Workshop

Unleash Your Soul at The Family Constellation Workshop

Family Constellation Workshop is a psychotherapeutic technique which aids people in identifying the core issues in their relationships. It was originally developed by Bert Hellinger who stated that all of us are unconsciously linked in a complex system of bonding relationships over three or four generations. Each of us inherit the psychological or emotional problems in our lives. Family Constellation Workshop is a therapeutic approach through which we can explore the deeper, unconscious dynamics in family systems.

In family constellations we try to understand the impact of unresolved family issues, or secrets, and often become more aware of influences that our ancestors’ fates may still have in our life. Once these connections are identified, a healing process can unfurl the love that is inherent in most families but which is often obscured by pain, fear and anger.

Family Constellation Workshop to Heal the Family Baggage:

While we inherit a lot of good things from our families, we are also vulnerable to carrying burdens, emotions, and traumas that inhibit our potential to make the most of ourselves and our relationships.

The Family Constellation Workshop not only allows you to feel the dynamics that you are caught up in, but also find better solutions with the ability to free yourself in a way that no other process can.

Family Constellations makes you self-reliant as it empowers the sense of connection, so that you can reclaim your innate ability to heal and free yourself from painful, limiting patterns. It works very deep on an unconscious level. Once you get free of these limiting beliefs and traumas, you’ll truly thrive in your work, health, relationships, parenting and family.

We will explore the principles and history of Family Constellation, learn how to identify and resolve family patterns and issues, and practice using Family Constellation techniques to bring about healing and transformation in our lives. 

Family Constellation is a powerful tool for healing family issues, resolving intergenerational trauma, and restoring balance and harmony to our lives and our families.

Benefits of Family Constellation Workshop:

A shift in perspective:
Develops the strength and wisdom to navigate through life´s challenges.

Generational Healing:
Clears the impact of ancestral trauma in your life
Resolves the blockages that are holding you back

Loving Consciously:
Increases your empathy, and compassion for yourself and others around you. Restores love and strength in your family.

Freedom to Be You:
Eliminates self-sabotage
Helps you embraceyour special resources, gifts and talents

Workshop Schedule

Date: Next Batch - On Request
Time: 10 AM - 5:30 PM
Venue: Online on Zoom
Energy Exchange : on request

​​Prior Registration Necessary

Register here:

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