Basic Theta Healing Workshop

Theta Healing is a powerful energy healing modality that combines meditation, visualization, and intuition to bring about positive transformation in our lives.

Theta Healing is based on the belief that our thoughts and beliefs have a profound impact on our lives and that by changing our thoughts and beliefs, we can create positive change in our physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. In this workshop, we will explore the principles and history of Theta Healing, learn how to access the theta brainwave state, and practice using Theta Healing techniques to release limiting beliefs, clear negative emotions, and create positive change in our lives.

We will cover topics such as muscle testing, belief work, and digging to identify and release limiting beliefs. Through group work and individual exercises, we will delve deep into the wisdom of Theta Healing to discover and celebrate the beauty and power of our own innate healing abilities. 

Theta Healing is a powerful tool for healing emotional and physical issues, manifesting abundance, and expanding our understanding of our true selves.

How Does Theta Healing Work:

Theta healing is based on the theory that the beliefs in the conscious and unconscious mind of the person can directly impact their emotional well-being, which in turn may also impact their physical health. A method of meditation is used to tune into a person’s energy with the goal to improve their health and general well-being by freeing the negative experiences that are blocking thought patterns or genetically inherited patterns in an attempt to create a positive emotional wellbeing. It is also used in conjunction with conventional medicine.

Benefits of Basic Theta Healing:

Theta healing helps and support the healing of various physical and emotional conditions such as:

1. Chronic, degenerative and DNA-related conditions
2. Financial issues, debts & money blocks
3. Depression, career issues
4. Emotional suffering
5. Repeating relationship patterns
6. Low self-esteem

Moreover, it can be used to change your negative core beliefs, to remove the negative attached energies and entities from people, houses, land, and living spaces. Theta Healing therapy is also helpful for manifesting things in your life instantly. It helps you to understand what is that you really want in life & focus your entire attention to it rather than thinking about what you don’t want.

Workshop Schedule

Date: Next Batch - On Request
Time: 10 AM - 5:30 PM
Venue: Online on Zoom
Energy Exchange : on request

​​Prior Registration Necessary

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