Arpita Banerjee

10+ years of experience
Services offered: Reiki, Tarot, Access Bars, Ho’ponopono, NLP, Law of Attraction
​Location: Kolkata
Language: ​Hindi, English​, Bengali 

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Arpita Banerjee, an expert mindset coach, hosts vast experience and knowledge in the field of transformation of lifestyles. She has been transforming lives from various walks of life for over 10 years now. She loves to work with both energetic, magical, and metaphysical modalities like- Reiki, Tarot, Access Consciousness, and Ho’ponopono along with logical, rational, and technique-based modalities like Neuro Linguistic Programming, Law of Attraction, Productivity Coaching, and many more. She firmly believes only in one single thing – Changes take place when we make our minds our best friends. All her modalities and transformational techniques are rooted in changing thought, belief, and inner dialogue patterns by accessing both the conscious and the unconscious mind. She prefers to call herself “The Co-Creator” rather than a therapist, coach, mentor, or trainer. She believes that everyone is innately marvelous and a powerful creator of their own life. Her services are but mere tools that anyone needs to clear the limiting beliefs in order to attract more abundance in either all, few, or any one of the six spheres of life which are: Personal, Professional, Social Spiritual, Family, and Finance. ​